New Delhi: Congress on Wednesday slammed the BJP government over the Rs 25 hike in cooking gas cylinder prices, the seventh hike in ten months, and called the move “anti women”.
“The decision to hike the LPG prices is a reflection of the government’s anti-women ideology. The high prices are forcing the women to go back to cow dung cakes and firewood, which are not good for women’s health,” Congress spokesperson Supriya Shrinate said.
The LPG cylinder prices were raised on Tuesday, and the cost of cooking gas cylinders in Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai and Chennai is now is Rs 860, Rs 886, Rs 860 and Rs 875 respectively.
Shrinate said there has been a Rs 265 hike in cylinder prices since November last year, a 44 per cent increase.
She also said the Ujjwala scheme has also failed because most families that got cylinders are not in a position to get the cylinders refilled.
Congress demanded the government should take steps to bring down fuel prices.
“When will the government realise that when people are going through an economic crisis, losing jobs, they cannot go ahead and distort their home budgets?” she added.