Srinagar: The Jammu and Kashmir Police on Wednesday took strict action by attaching three police officers, including Station House Officers (SHOs) of two police stations, and transferring six others for thrashing media persons during Muharram precession in the summer capital, Srinagar.
The action comes after Director General of Police (DGP), Dilbagh Singh, directed Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP), Srinagar, to take immediate action against the erring police officers.
“DGP J&K Dilbag Singh takes serious view of undesirable behaviour with some media men in Srinagar yesterday. SSP Srinagar directed to take immediate action against the erring police officer,” J&K Police wrote on its official twitter handle.
Meanwhile, sources said that three police officers, including SHOs of two police stations, have been attached to District Police Line (DPL) and six others have been transferred.
During the police action to disperse Shia mourners, who defied restrictions and tried to take out a procession in Srinagar on eighth day of Muharram, a number of media persons, mostly photojournalist and videographers were also thrashed by police officer. Camera of a photo journalist was also damaged.
Police action on journalist evoked sharp reaction from politicians and media organisations who demanded action against the police officer and compensation to journalists.