Srinagar: Chief Secretary Dr Arun Kumar Mehta on Friday directed officials to complete restoration works and resumption of all sports activities at S K Indoor Stadium in the summer capital, Srinagar by October 15, 2021.
An official spokesperson said that Mr Mehta chaired a meeting to review the functioning of the Youth Services and Sports Department.
It was informed that the Department is organizing various sports activities and undertaking several infrastructural projects across Jammu and Kashmir to promote sporting culture in the Union Territory.
The Chief Secretary directed the Department to establish high-standard facilities for promoting water sports in J&K and procure adequate equipment in this regard.
The Department was asked to develop water sports in various lakes including Dal, Wular, and Mansbal in Kashmir province and Mansar, Surinsar, and Ranjit Sagar Dam in Jammu province.
The Department was further asked to explore possibilities of developing water sports facilities in the wild water segment at river Lidder, Salal, and Baglihar dams.
Reviewing the water sports facilities at the Ranjit Sagar Dam, the Chief Secretary directed the Department to complete the equipment audit and commence training of the youth in kayaking and canoeing sports at an earliest.
The Chief Secretary further issued directions for completion of renovation and restoration works and resumption of all sports activities at Sher-i-Kashmir Indoor Stadium, Srinagar by October 15, 2021
The Department was asked to lay special focus on providing proper training and guidance to the aspiring athletes and players which will allow greater participation of UT’s youth in various national and international events.