Srinagar: Director General of Police (DGP) sanctioned Rs 67 lakh in favour of Net of Kin (NoK) of martyrs and deceased Police Personnel (PP) and Special Police Officer (SPO) in Jammu and Kashmi, a police spokesman said Tuesday evening.
He said DGP Singh has sanctioned welfare relief and financial assistance of Rs over 67 lakh.
Welfare relief has also been granted in favour of four NoKs of martyr and deceased Police personnel and SPOs and financial assistance has been sanctioned in favour of 47 Police personnel and SPOs that have tested positive for COVID-19 during 2nd wave of pandemic.
He said Rs 65 lakh has been sanctioned in favour of NoKs of one martyr and two deceased Police personnel and one SPO. This amount includes rupees 20 lakh each in favour of NoKs of martyred and deceased Police personnel and Rs five lakh in favour of NoKs of deceased SPO.
He said out of this relief Rs one lakh each for police personnel and Rs fifty thousand for SPO was provided as advance for performing the last rites of the deceased.
Similarly Rs 2.35 lakh has been sanctioned as financial assistance to police personnel and SPOs that have tested positive for COVID-19. Rs five thousand each has been sanctioned out of the Police Pariwar Fund in favour of 47 officials belonging to different units & wings of J&K Police.
Supporting the families of martyrs by providing financial assistance in connection with their different requirements, Rs fifty thousand has been sanctioned in favour of dependents of a martyr.
Police headquarters under different welfare schemes is providing welfare relief and loan, financial assistance to all the ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police including the wards of martyr and deceased police personnel and SPOs.