NASA plans to launch unmanned flights around moon in Artemis I programme in Feb 2022

Washington: The US Orion spacecraft is scheduled to conduct its first unmanned flight to the Moon aboard the Space Launch System (SLS) giant rocket in the Artemis I programme in February 2022, NASA said on Saturday.
The US space agency announced on Friday that US Artemis engineers had completed the stacking process of putting the Orion spacecraft on top of the SLS rocket at Kennedy Space Center for the Artemis I uncrewed mission around the Moon.
“With stacking complete, a series of integrated tests now sit between the mega-Moon rocket and targeted liftoff for deep space in February 2022,” the agency said in a statement.
The SLS rocket has been under construction since 2011 and is set to launch the Orion spaceship that will take astronauts into deep space, including the Moon and Mars. The launch has been repeatedly postponed for different reasons.

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